Update! Valentine has been adopted! Thank you to everyone who passed this on or spread the word about her. More updates on Valentine coming!
My name is Valentine. It's very important you don't feel sorry for me. Before I tell you my story, I need to know you won't feel sorry for me. What's past is done, the future is unpredictable. It's the now that matters. So don't pity me. Just help me find a happy now, okay? Because I am a happy dog and I deserve that. I'm not sad and sorry for myself and I don't want to be around people who are sad and sorry for me. I want to be around people who hand out treats and like to play and have warm laps.
The beginning was rough. I lived with my two siblings outside. We loved each other a lot and we played but we really didn't get any people-type care. When we were rescued there was no food or water. We don't need to focus on that - I certainly don't - but it's where I came from. It's over now. I like to focus on things like squeaky toys and giving my friends here kisses. If I'm a bit shy at times, it's likely because I came from that place. We don't need to talk about it any more. It's over.
I am a young dog. We bounce back from such things quickly.
Things have been wonderful since I've been rescued. I was brought here, to Humane Society Silicon Valley and they pamper me. I'm pretty spoiled. There's food all the time and soft beds and play time and I've made a ton of friends. I have my choice of laps to sit on. They even sent me to a doctor. At the doctor they listened to my heart. Most hearts goes thumpa-thumpa-thumpa. Or something like that, anyway. Mine goes thummpa...........thuuuuumpa........thuuuuummpa. Apparently this is not so good so they sent me to a special doctor. One who deals with dogs with special hearts. Because I do have a very special heart.
It turns out that while my heart is very big and full of love, it's also very big in a not-good physical way. I won't get too technical about it but it's very faulty. We're all a little flawed in our own way, aren't we? But my faulty-ness means that I probably won't live too terribly long.
Did I mention I don't want you to be sad? I'm not sad. Dogs live in the now. Go ask a dog what he's planning to do tomorrow. We don't make plans. We just enjoy the present.
The Humane Society isn't giving up on me. They say that they know someone is out there who will give me a great life, even if it may not be very long. Are you that person? Can you love me for as long as I have knowing it might not be very long? I have to take some medicine every day but aside from that I am a very normal young dog. You would never guess that there's anything wrong with me if I hadn't told you. And I have a lot of love to give.
If you think you could be that person, please call my friend Nichole at (408)262-2133 ext. 120 and she can arrange for us to meet.