This Sunday at 11:30 a.m. at HSSV marks the start of a series of classes on Beginning Rally Obedience. I've been invited to blog about Sunday’s class and I’m so excited! Rally is an AKC event where owners work with their dogs to navigate a course of ten to twenty signs; at each sign, the handler asks his or her dog to perform an exercise before moving on to the next one. In rally events, owners are encouraged to communicate with their dogs throughout the event—handlers give verbal and hand cues to help their dogs complete the course.
This class is offered through A DOG'S LIFE, and I'm so glad that a portion of the registration fees will go to the Humane Society Silicon Valley to help care for orphaned pets who need homes of their own. I love the fact that HSSV not only helps find homes for orphaned animals, but also offers great activities like rally classes, that encourage owners to work with and further the bond with their pups.
There are still a few spots available for owners interested in exploring this unique opportunity to work with their dogs—check out this link for more information and to register. I can't wait to learn more on Sunday, and to blog about the rally class!
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